Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TutorialTuesday!~Fall Makeup

Hey Girls! It's Nina(: Today is Tutorial Tuesday and this is a autumn/winter eye makeup look that is very quick and simple. I hope you all enjoy! Please comment your feedback, it's greatly appreciated!
Step 1: Apply concealer underneath your eyes to cover up dark circles and you can also cover up any blemishes.

Step 2: Use an eyelid primer, to insure that your eyeshadow will stay.
Step 3: Apply a gold eye shadow to your lid. Use a lighter color in your inner corner to brighten up your eyes.

Step 4: In the crease of your eyelid, you can add a thin brown color, and blend that in well. 
Step 5: Curl your eyelashes and apply a mascara of your choice.
There you have it! A cozy looking eye makeup that is great for any look! Check back tomorrow for The Wednesday Review, on the PYT straightener! 



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